Phases of Growth
You will begin the program in what is known here as "Phase One". This phase lasts approximately six months but is primarily dependent upon your progress and adjustment in the program. It consist of
participation in the curriculum studies, work details, personal chores, openness in counseling, openness to work on problem behaviors, and an emphasis on personal devotion and prayer.
During this phase you will learn or relearn the basics of a personal relationship with God, responsible daily living, and treating others with dignity and respect. These basics are designed to help you gain a sense of order and discipline in your responsibility in participation for Phase two of the program. In order for growth and change to take place in your life and become apparent to the staff and others, we encourage you to apply yourself in every area of the program. The staff evaluates each student's personal growth and readiness for Phase Two.
If you have not completed
of the Program by the end of your six month, the staff will consider termination for failure to fully apply yourself.
So get ready for lots of changes and challenges! God has great things for you and wants you to dedicate yourself to the work of rebuilding your life. He wants to help you start that rebuilding process right now! Things can be different for you, starting today!
Remember, we're praying for your success!
After six months (180 days) in the Program, students will be evaluated and based on staff recommendations students will enter Phase Two of the Program. The areas evaluated and considered in each student's progress include:
- An active desire for the things of God and to work on a personal relationship with Him.
- A willing and teachable attitude to look at personal problems and behaviors.
- A desire and honesty to get beyond denial as a way of protecting yourself.
- An eagerness to become personally involved in the program and with others.
- A willingness to get along with others.
- Submissive to authority, not grudgingly obedient.
- Willingness to obey the standards and procedures of the House.
- Consistency in positive behavior patterns and to have begun work on relationships with family members.
This will assist the staff in determining if there is a common goal desired by the individual student and offered by the program. When approved for Phase Two of the program, additional privileges will be given (unmonitored phone calls, increased freedom, etc.) as well as additional responsibilities.
PHASE TWO (The Zadok House) :
Phase Two is six to twelve months. It consists of a work program, counseling, and personal growth with an increase emphasis on prayer and devotion. During this phase of the program employment is secured, part-time employment and then full-time. Transportation to and from work is, also, provided.
This Phase allows the students to work on some deeper issues in his life and grow in his relationship with The Lord. This is, in many ways a more intense phase of the program because more "walls" are worked on and dismantled. Staff members will assess the student's maturing process and his increasing ability to handle daily situations. Particular behaviors that could be destructive will be pointed out and addressed (manipulation, inappropriate displays of anger, not properly dealing with frustration, an inability to express emotions or thoughts, etc.).
Also, this time should help the student gain or regain a sense of who he is, and who he is in Christ. He will be given opportunities to contribute to the well being of the House through the use of his gifts and talents. The House's job will be to help him gain skills to enable him to function in a work environment.
The requirements for completion of Phase Two include the following:
- A personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Completion of all required curriculum.
- Consistent display of mature behavior and attitudes consistent with Biblical standards.
- An openness and honesty concerning his strengths and weaknesses.
- A willingness to work on negative behavior patterns pointed out by staff.
- Positive relationships with others
Phase Three is a re-entry period of practical application outside the Jacob House. This time allows the student an opportunity to put into practice what he has learned during Phase One and Phase Two, while still maintaining contact with the Home.
Each student must receive Pastoral counseling each month during this period (to check his progress and to provide encouragement and support).
The qualifications for graduation are as follows:
- The student must be out of the residential program for at least six months before he can participate in graduation.
- There must be positive reports received concerning the students progress outside the Jacob House. Recent reports must show that the student is chemically free (alcohol, illicit drugs, nicotine), condition of his life (including sexual life) based on Biblical standards, and evidences of a personal relationship with the Lord.
- The student must consistently attend church.