Following Jesus
Your level of maturity, motivations for coming into the program, and the state of your salvation will not matter initially. The only thing that matters is that you have a need in your life and Jesus Christ is calling you to Himself. We know by scripture and personal experience that you are groaning within for the healing and salvation that flows from Christ Jesus.
All we ask of incoming students is to open their heart in willingness to learn who God is and do what He asks of you. We cannot force Jesus on you, our aim is to help you realize there is no life apart from Jesus. We pray this would become more evident to every student, if it isn't clear already by the pain that a life of sin has caused. Every man who comes into the program will have an opportunity to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and pass from death to life.
The moment a student makes a decision for Christ (either before or after entering) and gets truly born-again, an incredible journey with Christ takes place in that man's life. This inward experience with Christ is what we truly desire for every man as he goes through the program. Apart from salvation, the program guidelines provide the means for a man to learn obedience and good life principles that bring true joy and victory.