Prayer Meetings
Prayer is one of the most important aspects of a Christian. We strongly believe and preach that you're only as far along in your walk with the Lord as your prayer life. Prayer is our life line to the Lord, our access into the Presence of God, our shelter in a time of need and a place to seek God for the Will of God. Mountains can and are moved through prayer, hell and darkness are pushed back through a spiritual warfare only fought in prayer. What the world needs today is praying Christians who are dedicated to the practice of prayer.
The doors of the church are open Tuesday through Friday at 6:00am where young and old gather corporately to pray for an hour. Our men gather on Monday morning at the same time and pray for the prayer requests that have been received. The doors are also open an hour before every service for the congregation to come and prepared their hearts for the Word.
Music Ministry
Worship, for the most part today is contaminated with the music of the world. We have such things as Christian Rock, Country Gospel and Contemporary Christian. They are exactly what they say, Christian and a little Rock, Country music and a few Christian lyrics thrown in. The word contemporary means marked by characteristics of the present period and that is just what the church has given into. We lower our music and our worship by mixing pure Christian music with the music of the present time. The old music is considered out-dated and too laid-back.
We consider praise and worship to be an important part of our service. Worship is a form of surrender and sacrifice unto the Lord. A personal and corporate time for us to honor and glorify the Lord. Ministering to the Lord is about the heart being open and yielded unto the Lord, where all distractions are put aside and we join together as one voice to lift up the name of the Lord for all He's done and for all that He is. Worship is both an inward and outward expression of our devotion to the Lord, reputation put aside and all focus on the Lord, to give Him the honor He is so worthy of.