Welcome to New Covenant Fellowship
New Covenant Outreach from its inception has been about the person of Christ and his dealings with individuals. This ministry was never created to be numbers oriented, but to bring glory to Jesus as we decrease and put away our fleshly maneuverings.
Worship Services
- 9:00 AM Youth Sunday School
- 10:00 AM Sunday Worship
- 6:00 PM Sunday Worship
- 7:30 PM Wednesday Worship
- 7:30 PM Friday Evening Prayer
Prayer Meetings
- One hour before all services.
- Weekdays 6:00am Prayer
- Monday Men's Prayer Only
- Tuesday - Friday Everyone
- Saturday Night @ 8:30 PM
- Saturday (2nd & 4th) Noon

Fifteen years of prayer later, New Covenant Outreach is known by a one time abandoned corner block that now has become a source of beauty and inspiration to the community. Over those years the property has become a fully restored House of Worship, renovated parsonage, and two houses for discipleship that once housed drug use and prostitution. Above any physical property though, the greatest effect of prayer has been individuals changed by God. Those once dead in sins and trespasses have heard the Word of the Cross and are now alive to God through Christ.