As Christians we are all called to be lights unto this world. We can't just comfortably come to church, hear the word and not do anything with it. The Bible tells us to go out amongst the world and proclaim the Good News. Empowered by the Holy Ghost we are putting feet to the calling that God has placed on our lives.
Every other saturday three to four teams go out on the streets to witness Christ. There at least three people in each team, some as young as eighteen. They walk through the near by neighborhoods and knock on every door they can. Also at night teams go out to reach out to those who are wondering the streets. Regardless of our personalities and fears we are endeavoring to be God's instruments to reach this lost and dying world around us and also to those who are blinded by religion and aren't truly saved. We want to show people that just because you're a "good person" and you go to church doesn't mean that you are born again. We must allow the power of God's word to transform us, so that we may show the world a living example of what Jesus can do for them.
Bible Time
Many years ago, when the church first started we had what we call “Bible Time”, where young and old would go to the projects of the city and spend time with the children in the projects. We have just begun Bible Time again and our children have jumped right in and are involved in each aspect of this ministry.
We go out twice a month on the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays. We split up in groups and go door to door passing out brochures announcing the event. On the 3rd Saturday we set up for the children to come, laying out chairs and tables. The children come for about an hour, at which time we teach them a short Bible lesson and pass out coloring sheets and a newsletter with next month's lesson outline. After the lesson we spent time talking and playing with some of the children before they go home. We have been able to meet several children and spend quality time witnessing with them and some of their parents. We look forward to the fruit that we know God will bring in the near future.