Henry A. Ironside
Ironside was one of the greatest Bible teachers the world has ever known. For some 50 years he went up and down America teaching and preaching the Word of God. He was the ultimate in his field. Coupled with this was his successful ministry as pastor of Moody Church from 1930 to 1948 which made him the most known Christian leader of his era, outside of Billy Sunday whose funeral he preached. He was affectionately known as "the archbishop of Fundamentalism."
John and Sophia (Stafford) Ironside were a godly couple with his occupation being that of a bank teller. They were both tremendous soul-winners. The father spent evenings at street meetings, in halls and in theaters, and on Sundays held services in the park. His mother likewise testified everywhere. They were identified with the Plymouth Brethren. The father was known as "The Eternity Man," because every time he met someone he asked them, "Where will you spend eternity?" In the providence of God this amazing soul-winner died at age 27 from typhoid when Henry was two years old.
John and Sophia (Stafford) Ironside were a godly couple with his occupation being that of a bank teller. They were both tremendous soul-winners. The father spent evenings at street meetings, in halls and in theaters, and on Sundays held services in the park. His mother likewise testified everywhere. They were identified with the Plymouth Brethren. The father was known as "The Eternity Man," because every time he met someone he asked them, "Where will you spend eternity?" In the providence of God this amazing soul-winner died at age 27 from typhoid when Henry was two years old.
Henry's birth was almost a casualty. The child was thought to be dead, so attention was given to the dangerously ill mother. Forty minutes later a nurse detected a pulse beat and at the doctor's order put the baby in a hot bath which soon produced a demonstration of his vocal chords.
Following the death of the father, the 26-year old widow, who also had a new baby along with two-year old Henry, began to sew trying to hold the family together.
Harry had religion but not Christ. He was memorizing Scripture from three years of age and up, starting with Luke 19:10. Ironside read the Bible through 14 times by his 14th year. Two frequent visitors were Scotch evangelists, Donald Munro and John Smith. They would always ask Harry "are you born again?" He always replied that he passed out tracts, memorized Scripture, went to Sunday School. He was quite relieved when he heard his mother make plans to go to Los Angeles in 1886 when he was ten years old. At least they would not be bugging him anymore, he mused.
A train ride from Toronto to Los Angeles was an adventure for an adult, let alone a child of ten. They arrived on December 12, 1886. Harry was surprised to find out there was no Sunday School in his neighborhood, so at age 11 he started one. He called together boys and girls and talked to them about his purpose. He sent out the boys to collect sacks and burlap bags and he organized the girls into a sewing club. They sewed the burlap together and soon a burlap tent was made that could accommodate 100 people. There was no teacher, so Harry taught, and the average attendance was 60 including a few adults. Harry would always revert to Isaiah 53 when he couldn't think of anything else to say. People would say, "God bless this little preacher" and Harry assumed himself saved. In 1888 Moody came to Los Angeles for a campaign. Meetings were held in Hazzard's Pavilion which seated 8,000. Finding no seat he climbed up on a trough-like girder that extended from the second gallery up to the apex of the roof. Moody excited Harry and he prayed, "Lord, help me some day to preach to crowds like these, and to lead souls to Christ." Forty-two years later he became pastor of the church Moody founded. In 1889 his mother said happily one day after school, "Guess who's here?" Harry thought it to be some lost relative, but it was evangelist Donald Munro. As he arrived it was, "Well, well, Harry lad, how you have grown! And are you born again yet, my boy?" His Uncle Allan, who was in the room said, "Oh, Harry preaches himself, now." Undaunted Munro said, "You are preaching, and yet you don't know that you're born again! Go and get your Bible, lad." Young Ironside was really challenged. Within a few weeks Harry gave up his Sunday School, for he felt he had no right to open his mouth for God if he were unsaved. For six months he battled this problem. Then in February, 1890, he went to a party, and Proverbs 1:24-32 came to his mind. As soon as he could, he hurried home. After midnight, he fell on his knees and said, "Lord, save me." He wondered about a lack of some new emotion, but soon claimed the promise, rose from his knees — saved at age 13. He later said, "I rested on the Word of God and confessed Christ as my Savior."
Two nights later he attended a Salvation Army street meeting and could not wait for a chance to say something. He asked if he could testify and fire away he did. He preached from Isaiah 53:6 for one-half hour forcing the Captain to pull his coattail, because they were late for the meeting at the hall. The next day he won his first convert to the Lord — a 70-year old Negro. He was taunted at school but held firm. In June he graduated from grammar school. The year 1890 also saw his mother, Sophia, marry William D. Watson, and young Ironside found a part-time job with a shoe-cobbler. Young Ironside decided he needed no more education, and never attended school again. His only eighth grade education was later regretted, but the Lord never held it against him. He took full time employment with the Lamson Photo Studio, and every night would attend one of the Salvation Army meetings. He spoke so often he was called, "The Boy Preacher." He began to educate himself with books. When not attending Army meetings, he would be giving out tracts or holding his own street meetings. Soon Ironside was identified with the Salvation Army. His zeal matched theirs, and soon he was put in charge of children's work. At age 16 he was urged to become a cadet, and he decided to accept. He left the photography business for the preaching business — full time.
He entered the Oakland (California) Training Garrison preparatory to becoming an officer in the Salvation Army. He finally was commissioned and made a Lieutenant in the Army. He went forth to San Bernardino, California, somewhat a believer of sinless perfection in 1892. Ironside was switched around to several southern California cities to assist in the various Army outreaches. Soon he was preaching over 500 sermons a year, dealing with countless individuals. So thoroughly did he enjoy his work and so busy did he keep himself that it was not until he was [about] 19 that he had any real chance to analyze "the second blessing" doctrine. He soon began to see this "holiness" teaching was leaving many a spiritual person derelict. He himself had to convince himself of his "holiness" before he went to a "holiness" meeting, and to tell himself upon leaving that now, at last, he was ready to receive "the blessing." He soon began to see it was not the study of the Scriptures, but the lack of knowledge of them that was causing many casualties. Now a captain at about 18 he submitted his resignation to the Salvation Army. He was sent to the Beulah Rest Home near Oakland, utterly worn out from five years of work. There were 14 others, broken in health, trying to regain strength while contemplating their futures. Counseling with others he soon discovered the problem. He was looking within to the wrong person and wrong place for holiness, instead of without.
Ironside had met a Charles Montgomery, a Brethren believer who gave him living quarters and access to his own large library, in San Francisco. Soon he was asked to address a meeting of the Brethren, and again he used Isaiah 53 which continued to evidently be his favorite preaching spot. In 1896 (now 20 years old) he began "to break bread" with the Brethren.
Henry Varley, British evangelist, came to San Francisco in 1897 and Ironside helped in many ways during the campaign. He held street meetings, ushered, ran the book table, and was a great help to the campaign. The pianist for most of the services was another ex-Salvation Army member, Helen Schofield, daughter of a Presbyterian pastor in Oakland. Love blossomed and on January 5, 1898, Ironside and the young lady married. He was 21 and had been living by faith for some years now. The cupboards were often bare in their small apartment in San Francisco. His mother's death in 1898 also added to his trials.
Joy came into their home on February 10, 1899, when the first child — a son, Edmund Henry was born. The Ironsides moved to a home in Oakland in 1900 and Harry continued with his ministry as doors were opened, speaking in some place nearly every night, and often two or three times a day. He was beginning to be in greater demand among believers who were helped by his expository preaching. When he had no meetings, he would go to the street corners and preach to the passersby. Oakland became their headquarters until 1929. He preached in tents, Missions, Bible conferences and churches whenever he was invited. More than once the small family was without funds and had to depend wholly upon God to do something for them.
~ Part 2 Next Month ~