A School... of Pentecost!
This school is centered around Pentecost which is according to the book of Acts. It's not merely to fill your head with more knowledge of God, but to fill your heart with an experiential knowledge of the man Jesus Christ. It's to structure and focus your mind on the pure message of Pentecost. A message that is centered around an intimacy with God through a loyalty to the Word of God.
You can experience an outpouring of the power of the Holy Ghost in your life. A power that walks with you every hour of the day, a power to overcome sin and death, the power to walk in overcoming life that separates from this world and its system. The school is designed to pour into the student the power of Pentecost that they may be able to take it to a lost and dying world when they walk out of the doors and into their local churches, cities, families and friends, and mission fields.
It's a school because we have need of the Holy Ghost to bring us into the proper understanding of what Pentecost is all about. There are a lot of ideas out there about what it is to walk with Jesus and many false prophets in our generation. God wants to bring you up to a mountaintop place where you can see what Jesus has really promised, to make a personal, definite decision for your life to become an expression of His glory.
Anyone who has a heart and a desire for God that wants to know Him. Those that come to this school will be people that will allow their hearts to be softened by the Word of God and allow God to begin shaping them into the image of Jesus. We are not looking for those who just want to sit in church, but rather individuals who have a hunger to be used by God and see the power of God flow through them and the people around them.
This school is for those who have been born again and want to take their relationship with the Lord deeper by the hearing and obeying the true message of Pentecost. God doesn't look for a man that is intellectual or doctrinally sound. God looks on the heart of a man and what that man's heart longs for. If the students are found longing for God, regardless of their frailties and flaws, they will find God and experience revival in their hearts and lives.