They Knew Their God : Volumes 1-6 by Harvey and Hey
A six volume series of short biographies of men and women whose lives were outstanding because of their close walk with God. The title, “They Knew Their God,” was chosen because it embraces the various steps in the spiritual life—the introduction to God via the New Birth, the receiving of the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and the further “journey into God,” which progressively reveals His character. Daniel tells us that “the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits” (Dan. 11:32). In this shallow, religious age may the example of these men and women, who removed all barriers and boundaries to their search after and exploration of their own God in His length, breadth, depth and height, beckon us on to a similar, unlimited grasp of the Unseen.
The School of Christ by T. Austin Sparks
The ministry contained in this little book has been wrought on the anvil of deep and drastic dealings of God with the vessel. It is not only doctrinal; it is experiential. Only those who really mean business with God will take the pains demanded to read it. For such, two words of advice may be helpful. Firstly, try to remember all through that the spoken form is retained. The messages were given in conference, and the reader must try to get into the spirit and mind of listening, and not only reading. It has its difficulties for readers, but it also has its values. Then, my advice is that not too much, indeed not a lot, should be attempted at once. Almost every page requires thinking about, and weariness can only overtake if too much is read without quiet meditation. Of all the books that have issued from this ministry, I regard this one as that which goes most deeply to the roots and foundations of our life in Christ with God. - T. Austin-Sparks
Restoring the Message of Pentecost by B.H. Clendennen
The purpose of the book is to Bibically lead men and women through the storms of every wind and doctrine to a solid footing in our Lord Jesus Christ. In this age of apostasy it is Pastor Clendennen's sincere desire to direct the reader to the source of truth about some of todays most important religious questions, God's Word. In fourteen powerful chapters Pastor Clendennen carries the believer into the world of the spirit revealing the purpose and intention of God for His Church from Genesis to Revelation. From man created from the dust of the earth to the glorified in the end of Revelation that purpose has not changed. Man was created to be the vehicle of expression. God was to be known through man. God's intention for His Church is to restore the message of Pentecost.
True Discipleship by William MacDonald
A disciple can be forgiven if he does not have great mental ability or physical prowess. But he cannot be excused if he does not have zeal. If his heart is not aflame with a red-hot passion for the Saviour, he stands condemned. After all, Christians are followers of the One who said, "Zeal for Your house has eaten Me" (John 2:17). MacDonald talks about the costs of discipleship- leaving behind worldly cares (including money!), being set apart, and living exactly like Jesus commanded. He says that we've too often tried to meld a Bible-centered life, and a me-centered life. You look around at American society, and find out that it doesn't prove an effective life. So MacDonald calls us back- not to HIS kind of life, but to a Biblically-ordered life of a true disciple.
The Calvary Road by Roy Hession
Learn how Jesus can fill you with His Spirit through brokenness, repentance and confession. Roy Hession was one on many men who travelled to East Africa to check out the Revival that broke out there in the 1930's His life was changed forever, as he walked with the simple African believers and experienced revival fires in his own life. It was like starting the Christian life over as he came humbly to the Cross. The principles which the Lord taught him are published in this book. Some books talk about historical accounts of Revival, and that is needed. But this book talks about the reality of ongoing revival in a believers life.
"I had the privledge of meeting Roy Hession a couple of times before he died. He was a broken man with the fragrance of Christ upon him. I highly recommend this book to all readers."
Visions Beyond the Veil by H.A. Baker
Beggars, Outcasts, Homeless. Such were the forgotten, uneducated children in China where the Spirit of God fell upon their humble orphanage, the Adullam Home. The boys spent days in powerful meetings, praying and praising God. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they prophesied, saw visions, and discovered: Angels, how they operate and protect us. Unbelievers and their fate. Heavenly Occupations, what our jobs will be. Paradise revealed through the eyes of children. The Throne of God, experiencing true worship. Death, what happens when we die. Demons and their evil works. Visions Beyond the Veil chronicles the supernatural visions of the Chinese orphans at the Adullam Rescue Mission that was founded by H. A. Baker and his wife. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
Pentecostal Pioneers Remembered by Keith Malcomson
Here is a story long untold and mostly forgotten, of faith, power and glory. This book commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the Pentecostal Movement in Great Britain & Ireland, 1907-2007. Herein is the story of the Men, the Movement, the Message and the Miracles that became known as the Pentecostal Movement. These testimonies are timeless, powerful and stirring, but sadly most of these pioneers have long disappeared from the sight and remembrance of the church. Although all these pioneers were born in Britain & Ireland yet their ministries deeply affected the world. These testimonies will deeply inspire another generation to go and do likewise. Keith Malcomson has worked with School of Christ International since 2001 ministering in Ireland, Britain and Europe, seeking to raise up a voice once again to call this Prodigal Continent back to God.